By visiting the Store you can redeem some coins to get boost items and power up your gameplay. The store has many boost items known to you as well as some brand new bonuses. Want to stock up? You can buy packs of boost items to make sure you won’t run out of them. Visit the store today!

Looking for some new ways to boost your score in EyeCandy? You have the chance to do that with the new special boost items. Make sure to visit the game today and to send some of those to your friends. They will love you for that! :)
New feature is implemented in EyeCandy: now you can earn and spend coins during the game. By redeeming some coins you can buy special boost items to power up your game play and to achieve higher score!

Greetings from EyeCandy! Sweet candy characters are waiting for you. Make sure to play and get some highscore so you’ll be able to achieve a cool trophy for a good play! Enjoy!
Eye Candy is live! Check out the most colorful blitz game ever and let us know what you think so far!