The world’s largest annual gathering of the game industry professionals Game Developers Conference – GDC 2015 had a record-breaking attendance this year!
Five productive days full of sessions,tutorials, roundtable discussions with the industry experts, new connections and great experience for the further business-development! Always great for team at Plexonic to be a part of this awesome event…
Thanks for catching up with us!
Check out some photos from the show.

Days after the Casual Connect, on February 9-10 in St.Petersburg Plexonic has attended the sixth international mobile game development and marketing conference Winter Nights 2015. It is organized by Russian game publisher and developer Nevosoft and takes place twice a year: in February as the Winter Nights and in June as the White Nights.
The WN conferences have already attracted influential professionals and developers in the mobile game industry like King, Warner Bros., Supercell, Rovio, Wooga, Chillingo, Facebook, Big Fish, DeNA, Google, Microsoft and many others.
The two days of lectures and master classes were so good! Thanks to organizers for handling such events!

Each professional knows the importance of attending industry conferences for business development, because they keep you up-to-date with the latest news and changes within the industry in a short amount of time.
On February 4-6 in Amsterdam took place The Casual Connect 2015. Attending this conference for Plexonic was another great chance to learn more about casual gaming market which entertains billions of people and grows significantly year over year! Lots of interesting people, ideas, experience.
Game was in the air, everywhere you looked around! :) And that was very cool to be a part of this exciting event!

It’s a fact that we all love facts. And there are so many astonishing,pointless,obscure things in the game industry that makes to think: “Is that all true?”. So, here are a few facts about games you may have missed.
- More than 80% app income comes from the game development;
- Sonic The Hedgehog isn’t only the name of Sega’s speedy mascot, but also a gene on chromosome 7 of the human genome.

- Certified psychologists are being employed by professional gaming developers to help them with the tutorials and game start issues. It is observed that most gamers are more engaged during the first session of play and this increases their chances of turning into paid gamers;
- Studies have found that surgeons, who regularly play video games make 37% fewer errors and perform tasks 27% faster than their peers;
- It is possible to win Monopoly in 21 seconds; this super short game happens once every 253,899,891,671,040 games.
- $3 is the average price that gamers are ready to pay for the game apps;
- It’s only humanly possible to press a button on a controller 16 times per second. This record was set by Toshuyuki Takahashi, a Japanese gamer;
- Pigs can learn to play video games with joysticks as fast as chimps, faster than a 3-year-old child and are better than both;
- Big companies such as Rovio, Chillingo and BigFish do not spend anything on advertising yet they are able to send their apps to the TOP10 in the US App store. This is done by using their existing applications to promote the newly developed apps;
- The mushrooms in Mario games are based on a real species called ‘Amanita Muscaria’ that, when eaten, make people feel like they’re growing;
- The bushes and clouds in Super Mario Bros. are the same thing, just different colors;

- Gaming company Supercell from Finland is actually doing $4m/day with their two freemium titles Clash of Clans and Hay Day;
- Jack Thompson, a former lawyer, sent a letter to Bill Gates claiming Microsoft could be legally responsible for the Virginia Tech massacre because of Counter-Strike, a game they didn’t even create;
- In 2011, a 46 year old man from Plymouth, England found and attacked a 13-year-old kid because the kid killed him too many times in Call of Duty;
- In 2013, a dad in China hired gamers to kill his son in video games so the son would start looking for a job and get a life.